Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monsanto, soy beans, additives.

I need to read this soon. It is about how most additives are GMOs.

And I am currently in the process of watching The World According to Monsanto on youtube.
This is sort of like the missing link to all of the research I've done about how bad additives are... A lot of these GMOs clearly have high doses of MonoSodium Glutamate in them, but I need to research that as well.

I think that the destruction of some nuclear things in Anniston has something to do with Monsanto.

Monsanto is the reason why soybeans are so bad for us, I think. But I'm not sure. The protein in the soybean is changed when it is sprayed with roundup, or something. or they've created a strain of soybean that is resistent to round up, and so you can use that on the weeds... but the protein that makes the soybean able to be resistent to round up... is that protein DIGESTABLE by the average or any human or animal-being?

i bet it isn't.

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