Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

banana pb smoothie, apple cider vinegar, dates

I made a Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie this morning. I looked at a variety of recipes, and they were all basically the same... 1-2 TBS peanut butter, 1 banana, 1/4 cup ice, 1-2TBS honey, 1 cup of milk.
I will have to start trying different variations of this, and use it for my main breakfast. I wonder if peanut butter goes well with any other type of fruit. Especially oranges/tangerines/clementines.

Last night I did something very out of the ordinary for me. Well, first I was reading whfood's entry on grapes and I, well... here's a quote from that page:

"If you're inspired to try a daily glass of red wine as part of your healthy way of eating, you may want to look for red wine from southwestern France or Sardinia. Research published in Nature suggests that the protective polyphenols in red wine are present at higher concentrations in wines from southwestern France and Sardinia, where traditional production methods ensure these compounds are efficiently extracted during wine production."

But, then, somehow I got to apple cider vinegar from there. Anyway, so last night I drank a little over 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in water with honey before going to bed. And I feel pretty good today, and I did not have acid problems in my stomach despite the vinegar before bed... whereas if I had eaten a red tomato before bed, I would have had terrible nausea this morning or just thrown up, because the tomato would be too acidic to digest. --- The apple cider vinegar is supposed to help digestion... and a lot of other things. I am going to start drinking it at least once a day, maybe more. I read somewhere that suggested drinking it with each meal.

This is a good link about the benefits of apple cider vinegar.

(fun fact: The smell of apple cider vinegar makes my mouth water.)

Also, I learned a few days ago that dates and raisins have fluorine in them, an element of fluoride. and it helps to keep your enamel healthy!!!!!!!!!!! I had been wondering for YEARS how to possibly strengthen the enamel on my teeth! once we saw this thing on one of the science channels about this stuff that dentists were putting on these people's teeth to repair the enamel that was weak or whatever. i still think about that every so often... But I bet if I just regularly ate dates and/or raisins, then that would be kind of like the same thing, but better.

I wonder if other versions of dried fruits contain things like that and also i wonder if grapes have anything relative to fluorine in them.

But this is weird. I wonder if that is suggesting that the reason why dates have flourine in them is because they use fluoride as an insect spray and so there is residue?

And: fluoride content in foods

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

some more good links - it tells about different vitamins and minerals and gives information on what the vitamins do. -this is very, very good.. I think this is what I've been needing to find. it tells how much water to drink, sorta... and other details that i can't seem to find anywhere else

Monday, November 17, 2008

very good. (msg and free glutamate.) -
America Online
Subj: MSG
Date: 96-05-29 12:41:33 EDT
From: DHypes7685

After eight years of multiple health problems and esp chronic fatigue and
PAIN, thanks to several books and one great book "The Food Allergy Book" by
Dr. William Walsh ISBN#0-9631544-7-8, I am cured of an unkown MSG fact according to the biochemical reaction of msg in the
body this problem is probably inherint to every living, breathing mammal on
the face of the earth. Wake up America!!! The major food corps have found a
loop hole in the FDA's ruling and are adding msg to your food without having
to identify it on the label as such. They are adding it as a "natural"
ingredient as it it is naturally found in they can add corn and
thus preserve foods with the msg found in corn without labeling it as msg.
And corn comes in many names like: dextrose, maltose, dextrin, aspartame,
xanthan gum, zein, and the obvious - corn syrup, corn starch or modified food
starch, food starch or just starch and the list goes on and on... So far ten
in my family are now well from multiple health problems due to hidden sources
of msg now known and avoided. This discovery has transpired within our
family over the past year with hours of research. Other recommened books are
"The Whole Way to Allergy Relief and Prevention" by Dr. Jacqueline Krohn
ISBN#0-88179-036-2 and "The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance"
by Dr. Jonathan Brostoff and Linda Gamlin ISBN#0-517-57756-9. From these
books we put the puzzle together and the final piece was Dr. Walsh's book.

We were diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (and all its associated names), MS,
Chrohn's Disease, IBS, Diverticutilits, Migraines, TMJ(wore bite guards for
years), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (some had surgery and some wore braces for
years), colitis , gastoenteritis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma (with
inhalers), chostrochondritis, heart "murmur," chronic bronchitis, atopic
dermatitis, dishydrosis, Adult ADD, rhematoid arthritis, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, chronic ear infections, vertigo, myofascial pain syndrome, sleep
disorders, edema, anxiety/panic attacks,depression, incontinence (bladder and
bowel), eating disorders, and auditory processing dysfunction to name a few.
By now you are thinking...this person is crazy...well after all the realted
medical problems suffered that could be possible, however, we no longer have
any of them as long as we avoid msg (which includes processed corn products,
some fermented products, and other items listed in Dr. Walsh's book). Those
who are now well from all or some of the above medical problems and other
symptoms include my sister, her children, my children, my mother, my
grandchildren, my brother and myself. Hope this info helps -- what I would
have given to have known it eight years ago... " - calcium, magnesium, and arthritis.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

banana pudding and vanilla wafers.

"Mama's Banana Pudding Recipe"
But banana pudding calls for vanilla wafers... So, here's a good recipe for homemade vanilla wafers.

I think that I will use coconut flour in place of cornstarch in the vanilla wafer recipe.

Yesterday I over-dosed on brownies that I made. They consist of: brown rice flour, cocoa butter, currants, cashews, and I put some peanut butter that doesn't have any hydrolyzed oils in it... And that peanut butter tastes, literally, like peanuts that have been mashed up, but I think I could get used to such a taste.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I made a wonderful discovery!! about b-vit & tmj..

I made a startling discovery...

But first I would like to let you know that if my magnesium levels are not low or something, I do not find cilantro to be particularly mouth watering. It tastes like dish washing liquid when I don't need it, but when I do need it, it tastes very very good.

I discovered a very important thing today. I ate a really good and really filling meal. Then I went and exerted a large amount of energy and, like most times, I got this lightheaded feeling.
Then, a short while later, my TMJ was starting to flare up. I knew that I was not low on calcium or magnesium...
And then I remembered that when I first started increasing my magnesium levels via food, I was also really obsessed with eating foods containing b-vitamins.

hooray! :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

possible tabasco sauce recipes

Last night, whilst making a mushroom-rice-filled supper, I forgot to add the white wine, and so supper was entirely more salty than I needed it to be.
and so I soaked in epsom salt for 45 minutes before going to bed.
and my ear is not so bad off today, and my balance is alright.

a lack of vertigo is so good.

Yesterday I went through one bucket of peppers and got out almost all of the yellow and orange ones and I washed them.
now I need to pick out a recipe and make some pepper sauce.

I've decided to start keeping a food and beverage journal. i just don't know where such a thing will be located just yet. (this can also help me with figuring out which nutrients i may be low on AND how much to increase my eatings so as to healthily gain weight for this winter. - I cannot *stand* being freezing all the time.)

I still have not located coconuts. i still fantasize about them.
perhaps this weekend will be the Weekend of the Coconuts.

the underarm cyst officially went away yesterday or the day before yesterday. these days are running together. i think i can attribute it going away due to the amount of epsom salt I soaked in and the amount of tea tree oil I put on.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tmj. and calcium and magnesium and vitamin-D!

I think that a Vitamin D deficiency can also aid in causing my TMJ to appear.

I'm not *positive* but I'm still suspicious that soy lecithin blocks the absorption of Vitamin-D, even though it's only one part of the Soy bean.

I have eaten and eaten pretty well today. though still inevitably consumed some soy lecithin in my eatings.

i would guess that the more soy you take in, the more vitamin-d that you block the absoprtion of, or something like that... Um, but okay, if you have to have vitamin-d in order for your body to utilize the calcium you consume, then a vitamin-d deficiency can lead to a calcium deficiency... and I know that my TMJ greatly improves from consuming more magnesium, and the more magnesium you take in, well, somehow i have to balance this with calcium, because they work together. i don't really understand exactly how just yet.. or how to balance such a thing!

my tmj has been relatively bad (in comparison to how much it improved when i was trying to increase my magnesium levels) and it either needs my body needs more calcium (to compete with the magnesium) or I need more vitamin-d.

Tonight I will take some cod liver oil which has 100% dv of vit-D.

more on soy.

I am so so so so so suspicious that Soy Lecithin has the same affects that soy has... Even though lecithin is the emulsifier of soy. (?)

There are a few things that they put in everything: Soy Lecithin, Gluten, Casein, and MSG.

This is actually a terrible, terrible source of information about soy.

And this is the article that the above article speaks of.

another question!! does SOY cause arthritis??
there is something that is causing ... arthritis, I think. within myself and within someone else that i know.
but I don't know WHAT it is!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I will very soon make raw coconut milk.

I need to gain weight for this winter season, and a good friend of mine suggested drinking coconut milk..

Coconut milk is the answer to my lack of calories and lack of fat... My brain needs saturated fat. I learned that recently...

Oh! coconut has copper, magnesium, b-vitamins, manganese...
it has so much.
I am going to find coconuts tomorrow.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

fibroid cysts do NOT like MSG.

I hut pizza, two days in a row. complete with breadsticks.
And after I finished eating it the first night, I felt pain in all of my fibroid cysts that I am aware of... and then an underarm fibroid cyst appeared.

Tonight I'm going to soak in Epsom hopes of it getting rid of the cyst under my arm.

But that link may tell the most useful information on all of this insane stuff..

It occured to me yesterday that I am attempting to do something that is quite impossible. - I am trying to avoid gluten, casein, soy, and MSG (and other exciotoxins). MSG is really the main thing I'm trying to avoid, and on Monday I hope to be able to buy some MSG-free basic cooking ingredients. i think they sell such things at Whole Foods.

Monday, October 20, 2008

*laughs insanely* (meniere's disease and msg: proof)

Oh, this is so good. I am really onto something here. And it is exciting.

In the ear that I have been diagnosed as having Meniere's Disease in, sometimes... and sometimes more often than not, I have these cysts that appear in the..pathway to my ear. do they call that a canal? if the ear has a canal that is leading to the opening of the ear, then yes, that is where I have cysts.
They obstruct my hearing and they hurt and they ONLY appear in my right ear. Not my left. So I believe it is something relating to Meniere's Disease.
Now, we all know that I strongly believe that my Meniere's Disease was caused solely by MonoSodium glutamate, since I was mostly just consuming products that consisted mostly of MSG (Gatorade was my main food source during this time.)... Well, I got the idea to look up and see if MSG causes cysts.
I don't really know if it does, but I came upon "why does MSG cause cancer" (which tells how to prevent the msg from turning into cancer..something about citric acid, i think)... and then, I came across this which says that certain organs have "glutamate receptors"... THEN I googled 'which organs have glutamate receptors' and GUESS WHICH ORGAN the results displayed!!! no, no... guess!!
The Vestibular organ!

vestibular organ
The structure composed of the utricle, saccule, and the three semicircular ducts of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.

The effect of monosodium glutamate on your health
-- this is good, i think.

I remember reading this link a long time ago, when I was first beginning to do research about nutrition and msg and stuff: It gives a good list of things that cause meniere's disease symptoms and also a lot of the hidden names for MSG. It's a proposed natural treatment for Meniere's Disease.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I wondered last night if soy bean oil and/or soy lecithin cause calcium & vitamin-d deficiencies.
I looked it up, I still don't know...
but I found a link about what the bad additives in certain foods do to you...

I also learned that it's quite possible that vegans take soy lecithin supplements. this disturbs me greatly.

soy and osteoperosis

Thursday, October 16, 2008

this is sad.

Birmingham man killed in train derailment
The Associated Press
Published: Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 6:13 a.m. Last Modified: Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 6:13 a.m.

Authorities have identified a conductor killed in a train derailment in north Alabama.
Decatur Police said 28-year-old Gregory Johnson of Birmingham died in Wednesday night's accident.
Two trains operated by CSX Railroad collided and went off the tracks at about 11:30 p.m.
A total of 5 cars derailed. All were carrying soybeans and soybean oil.

he died whilst transporting things that we don't even need to be consuming to begin with!

gooo blueberries!

"researchers found that eating one or more cups of blueberries every day may improve communication between brain cells, enhancing your memory."

I was reading something yesterday about bilberries (which are the european blueberry) and it said something about how they improve night vision. and the time it takes for your eyes to adjust to the dark.

"Numerous studies showed that the nutrients in blueberries improve nighttime visual acuity, promote quicker adjustment to darkness, and promote faster restoration of visual acuity after exposure to glare."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

recap of some stuff i learned today

Peppermint contains folate, calcium, and other important things.

I looked up DDD (degenerative disc disease) ... and well, I gotta do some more digging. But! I came upon some sort of forum where people were saying that they developed DDD when they were 17 and 18 years old, due to celiac disease.

Also, cinnamon contains manganese and other... important things.
Sniffing cinnamon helps improve brain function. (I learned this from's page about Cinnamon.)

I think that one really big problem, and it is becoming larger.... The genetically modified versions of real fruits and vegetables are simply not as healthy. They do not contain the highest content of vitamins and minerals that we need to survive in a healthy sort of way. - I need to do much more research on this..
GMOed food is inferior to the real thing. No matter how much "cheaper" it is. I'm sure it's not really as cost-efficient as THEY (and we all now know who THEY is, don't we?) want us to believe -- the drugs and SUPPLEMENTS that we will need will be costly.. Whereas, if we were eating real food, perhaps we wouldn't have such vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Soy... is probably the number one GMOed crop.
And honestly, soy is probably the worst thing you can eat. -- And they utilize soy bean oil for everything, because it is SO CHEAP.
But why is it cheap? because Monsanto made created soy that has a special PROTEIN in it that their number one product RoundUp (which *causes* cancer) will not kill. I believe that these proteins are unable to be digested by our stomachs. -- Think of the Asians, which is where we supposedly got this grand idea of eating large amounts of soy. They do not eat large amounts of soy products. (About 1% of their diet consists of soy -- but they only eat the kind that is fermented for six months first.) No one does.. except the U.S.A. And why? Because the people who control our food system want us to be as stupid, sickly, and cancer-ridden as possible. Because we can't overpower them if we're weak and stupid, right?

It is being marketed as a health food, but it is an anti-health food.

Soy *increases* the need for Vitamin D, and it BLOCKS the absorption of Calcium. -- Why on earth would someone drink soy milk -- in order to receive calcium, when in fact, it will cause you to have a calcium deficiency?!

Soy contains phytoestrogen, it mimicks estrogen in the body and therefore raises estrogen levels. Mothers who are giving their infants Soy formula will cause their female children to have premature sexual development... Soy formula will cause sexual retardation in boys.

I recently read on a forum where people were talking about how they were brought up on soy formula and then they ended up being infertile. There is a connection there.

Flaxseeds contain a phytoestrogen that does not raise estrogen levels, it levels your estrogen levels out... And if they are fine, then it does not do anything.

Expect more real information soon. And soon, all of this information will have a nice, pretty home, at :)

how to make more serotonin!!!!

"Vitamin B6 is required for the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. Therefore, a deficiency of vitamin B6 may result in symptoms of anxiety and depression due to inhibition of serotonin synthesis."

In other news, I just made buckwheat brownies..again, but this time I used 1/4 cup cocoa butter with the safflower oil and I added sunflower seeds and honey.

I wanted to make white chocolate brownies, but I've got to learn how to make white chocolate before such a thing can occur. (ie: i have to find out if the milk one uses to make such a thing HAS to be powdered --- can one powder almond milk?)
And so, then, I accidentally came across things that say that caffeine depletes your body of b-vitamins, and many many other things.

Also, I must try to eat as many b-vitamin-containing foods as possible and see if I have anxiety during that period of time. (I learned today that watermelons have a LOT of b-vitamins and b-vitamins give you energy.) I guess it makes sense that when I'm outside playing in the woods and my body becomes low on energy, my eyes are the first thing that become really... tired. I guess there aren't enough b-vitamins to go around in a body like mine. :)

I harvested all but one of my watermelons today... And it is the main thing, aside from a brownie, that I have eaten today... yet I feel quite good. Good enough to do housework. ;P

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


i just have to substitute gf flour for 'all purpose flour'

oh! and i learned that in order to make powdered sugar, just put sugar in a coffee grinder! so i can make frosting, too.

i dream of white chocolate. - the homemade white chocolate recipe that I found calls for lecithin. and this is a very good article on lecithin and what it is and WHERE IT comes from!! (soy)... not just soy, though! the lecithin only comes from the GMO soy!

i wonder if soy lecithin blocks the absorption of calcium.

dairy and arthritis, an idea.

The other day, when we did not have the internet, I wondered if the consumption of dairy products has anything to do with arthritis.

I searched, and I still do not know. But I'm very, very suspicious.

I found this link.. - this speaks of fibromyalgia, too... it's apparently a type of arthritis.

cool... whfoods has something, too!

rheumatoid arthritis and the diet alternative

milk: the big mistake

Saturday, October 11, 2008

flaxseed cracker recipes

asperger's and diet...

The reason why it is important to learn how to prevent shutdowns in myself as well in other people, is because I believe that I became MORE autistic once the shutdown ended and I started to "get better"..

Before the shutdown, I could detect even the slightest hint of sarcasm. I *loved* sarcasm. I was the Queen of Sarcasm.
Nowadays, I only know if someone is being sarcastic if it's like... on Seinfeld.
I really honestly will take sarcastic things literally - in such a way like Amelia Bedelia. Not quite as bad, usually, but I have my moments.

If I had time to thoroughly assess the information in my mind for like, ten minutes, and then I could give some sort of response to the Sarcastic-Situation, I might be able to come up with the "correct" response.

I know this is kind of a repeat entry, from an earlier time..
But I had totally forgotten the initial reason for me being so obsessed with this diet --- This diet, the gluten-free/casein-free/soy-free (as soy free as possible, since Soy Lecithin is kind of equivalent to gluten and MSG, IMHO)/MSG-free diet, is the ONLY THING that has helped me recover from the shutdown. I mean, in a wholesome sort of way. I was coming out of the shutdown, naturally, because it was time. I mean, it had been three years. That's long enough, I think.
But the stupid shutdown side-effects, like poor coordination and a lack of eye contact and UNDERSTANDing eye contact... Those types of side-effects were entirely alleviated by the gfcfsfmsgf diet.
When I was in 7th and/or 8th grade, there was someone in my grade who was obsessed with pointing out the fact that I had trouble moving my arms when I walked. If I had just stopped consuming milk, which I had never liked anyway -- until year 2 of the shutdown, then I began loving it -- then I could have properly walked and then she wouldn't have had anything to make fun of me for.
But, alas..
Milk makes me walk and move in a rigid sort of manner, naturally making it harder to have good coordination.

I started to wonder the other day, while we didn't have the internet, if dairy products cause arthritis or something along those lines. I'm just trying to figure out what it is that is in my diet and my mom's diet that is making us be so consumed with arthritis. I believe I have arthritis in places that seem... quite insane to have arthritis.
I have actually read some contradicting things on arthritis. I read that orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are supposed to help with arthritis..
But then I also read that a 20% acidic food/80% alkaline foods diet is supposed to make all of your arthritis go away -- if the cause of your arthritis is due to too many acidic foods.
Oranges are quite acidic..
I wonder if there is a correlation between gerd and arthritis, due to the acidic foods similarity.
I've been trying to make my GERD go away via only diet. I basically refuse to take prilosec or anything else for it. And, you know what? It HAS improved!
The main thing I'm trying to do is not eat a large quantity of fresh tomatoes before going to bed.. Or if I eat any tomatoes at night (red, that is, the yellow ones are much less acidic), I only eat one slice, to hopefully let my stomach digest it.
I can't tell you how many times I have woken up in the mornings and thrown up from too much anxiety/too much acid/too little food, and there would always be tomatoes. And tomato peeling.

I also need to look up and see if dairy products entice allergies. And how all that works out... I need to look up and find out what a mucogen is and why milk is a mucogen.
Would it be a bad thing even if they did not shoot our cows up with hormones to make them produce more milk faster...? cow steroids.
On Thursday, I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome.

Monday, October 6, 2008

brain and brownies. according to msn, the pons part of the brain controls breathing, arousal, and possibly dreaming.
(i took a brain quiz to see how much my brain knows about itself)

I am about to make gluten-free fudgy brownies via this recipe.. except with some alterations. brown rice flour, safflower oil, and a combo of raisins and chocolate chips.

I also learned, from that brain quiz on msn, that the hippocampus is where memories are formed and it is the first section of the brain affected by alzhiemer's.
Stress and the hippocampus.

Sleep and the hippocampus

This is a good collection of notes on vitamins and minerals.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

oils, flaxseed muffins, wfm, crimini.. - At the end of this, it tells about how our brains are made up of fats.

I am going to start utilizing the recipes provided on the wholefoodsmarket website. I am about to make flaxseed muffins... but I'm changing the ingredients slightly, of course.

Also, one day.................... I want to make Coconut Mate Chocolate truffles.
It sounds absolutely delicious. I'm sure I'll need to make another trip to Whole Foods before such a thing can take place, though.

Did I mention that we bought some crimini mushrooms from Whole Foods the other day? Well, we did. And I love them! They don't have that gross mushroom taste to them at all... and they have a high content of things that I don't normally obtain from anything else within my current diet. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

you know you're obsessed when... - vitamins & minerals that help repair your brain!!

I had a conversation with my eye dr today, and I told him about what I've been going through - with the diet and all - and I told him my newest plan of creating a list of meals that I can have each day and doing that... and anyway, he did say that it's good to be interested in your own health, but that sometimes it can become more of an obsession..
or something.
Anyway, it's always so refreshing for me to be able to tell a doctor what I've been going through... This is the second time such a thing has happened.

So far, I believe that Magnesium and copper will help to repair neurons. And the b-vitamins, esp b6, since it depletes MSG and since Msg depletes magnesium, it just only seems right that magnesium would help things.
And copper does it's little trick on those myelin sheaths. ;P

sanity will prevail.

Monday, September 29, 2008

some good things to read when i get a chance...

look up how to grow crimini mushrooms.

the steps to take to create a meal plan:
make a list of all the foods that i want to include within my meal plan,
then write out recipes/create recipes/look up recipes that include the foods..
then make out 6 small meals and 3 big meals to have to get everything I need to survive healthily.

perhaps create a plethora of different meals to have and then just schedule to have them in a rotating sort of manner.

Why I need more Copper in my daily eatings.

"The body uses copper to produce the myelin sheaths that coat the nerve endings, and studies indicate that copper may be useful for the prevention or treatment of disorders that have been linked to poor functioning of the central nervous system, such as ADD/ADHD, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy." --

This could be a part of the information that I need on HOW TO REPAIR NEURONS!!!! The neurons that MonoSodium Glutamate kills so...carelessly. (and tirelessly!)
How exciting!

I started out by googling "Why does copper help sinus problems" and although I didn't really find anything about that, I found better stuff.

Oh, and then, as always.. The whfoods entry on Copper tells some noteworthy things as well...
Copper helps promote healthy collagen!!!!!!!!
I've been losing lots of hair recently, so an increase in Copper will help with this. I just need to make sure that I am able to increase.... everything all at the same time. *goes crazy on the inside*

Although I do feel good about the progress that I am making, going about eating in a manner such as this, I just wonder if I will
And if there isn't some type of doctor that just deals with this and helping FOLK with it.... There NEEDS TO BE!!!!
this is absolutely maddening. - I'm not a vegan, but due to the high cost of grass-fed meats.. I'm quite close.

It is like one big puzzle and I'm slowly putting the pieces together.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


type 1 diabetes & celiac disease

I am now quite interested in celiac disease and whether you can have an intolerance to gluten and have Asperger's and NOT have celiac disease.

I want to find out what type of doctor to go to in order to be diagnosed with celiac disease, but I haven't found that answer yet.

Last night I made blackstrap molasses glazed: walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, and almonds.
And while ago, I made that buckwheat-brown rice-banana-walnut-organic chocolate chip-coconut bread.
Cooking is becoming easier to do, more continuously than before.

bananas are the best fruit ever. they improve my eyesight.

Friday, September 19, 2008

This is a good link about the holistic approach to arthritis.

And this is a good link for the list of products containing gluten, but it also lists some things that are hidden names for MSG, apparently some of these contain gluten sometimes.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

bread and a smoothie, a muscadine addiction.

Using that buckwheat sweet potato bread recipe that I found here, I created a little something different... I put bananas instead of sweet potatoes, and I added walnuts, organic chocolate chips, and some coconut. I also used minneola (it's like Clementines but bigger, better, and seedless) juice instead of orange juice and minneola/clementine zest instead of orange zest.
I also ground up some extra flaxseed and put it in with the flour, so there was a little less than a cup of brown rice flour.

Then, I made a smoothie and I have learned that when it comes to smoothies, less is best.
(The other day I made what was probably a delicious smoothie and then, before trying it, I added 1 TBSP of blackstrap molasses. It made it taste terrible.)
Today, I utilized one banana, one orange, a little leftover minneola juice, and some red grapes.
And the only thing extra I added was ice.

I recently bought some muscadines (purple & golden) from the Pig and I ate almost all of them right before going to bed one night. Then I dreamed of them, thought about them every time I awoke, and basically became addicted to them over night. ;)
Then I did research and I found that they contain this... er, something that helps you live longer. It's in the skin of red grapes, too.

How many neurons have you killed today?

guar gum is an alternative to xanthan gum. (I must remember this!) Although I do not know if xanthan gum contains any MSG, it is a genetically modified organism, so that makes me suspicious.

I do not eat chinese food anymore because of the high level of sodium in their food. I would definitely over-dose on salt if I ate at such a place. However, I am having no trouble finding my sources of MSG elsewhere. I've also decided that MSG is an addiction, much like gluten and casein. They put MSG in a lot of dairy products, though. The off-brand sour cream contains more than one type of MSG. - I eat sour cream so I can eat a cayenne pepper.

The other night, we had spaghetti and I put this... MSG-filled cheese on my spaghetti in hopes of enticing myself to consume a pepper with my meal. (It really helps me with my sinuses to do this.) However, I could not force myself to do such a thing. So last night, I ate an entire green cayenne pepper with the help of sour cream. And not a large amount of sour cream, just enough so that my mouth was NOT going to be on fire. It makes me lose my appetite when my mouth burns so hotly.
Oh, but because I ate that cheese on my spaghetti and I didn't consume a pepper, my nose had started to run! I knew I wasn't sick per se.. So I knew it was that stupid cheese. I must END MY ADDICTION TO CHEESE/msg. I simply must.

My nose is not running today. I can breathe easy. Thank you, cayenne pepper!

recap: sour cream + cayenne pepper = no burn. at all.
and NO SINUS PROBLEMS FROM EATING DAIRY, as long as it is all balanced out OR you eat more peppers than dairy.

I'm starting to believe that MSG is dehydrating me. I want to find out how much MSG is in one form of MSG. And if higher concentrations of MSG are in like, other types?
I don't really understand it all, this MSG stuff.. I know that MSG occurs naturally in things like tomatoes, but I'm quite positive that the *amount* of MSG in tomatoes versus something like... bbq chips, well, the chips would win hands down.
Would you like to know how many different types of MSG is in Lays bbq chips?
-corn oil (this is genetically modified as well, but it is also a hidden name for msg)
-natural flavors
-Monosodium glutamate
-corn starch

there are actually probably more than that. I think that when Onion Powder and Paprika and things are listed as ingredients, they are probably not *really* made from onions or paprika...

So, these chips mostly consist of MSG.

Oh yeah. I recently made a slight discovery with these... juices, I believe. Okay, there is some Langer's (it has a lime green top and I'm not positive this is the brand name) Pomegrant Cherry juice that has 20% of 4 b-vitamins in one serving size. Then, there is this juice at walmart that is sold under the Northland brand and it has like ten or more different types of vitamins in it, including the b-vitamins. However, the differences in the two juices is clear. I think the b-vitamins that are in the Pom Cherry juice are actually from those two fruits and the vitamins and stuff in the other juice is GMO.
The Langer's juice helps improve my eyesight and it is what made me look up and find out how to improve eyesight. I'm just glad it can be done.

Yesterday or the day before, I found a recipe for buckwheat brown rice banana chocolate chip muffins. I was looking for the same thing again, but I cannot find it. However, I found this: and I believe that is a very, very good find.
I'm going to make some sort of muffins or bread today.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

a good list of links for future reads. (this is a collection of lists) - "get more minerals from your food"

This is a really good page that tells about refined flours and sugars.

Maximizing the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables - this looks to be really good!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

the best msg-neurological inflammation information i have found yet

Neurological inflammation - This is the type of information about MSG that I have been craving.

*sigh of relief*

Thursday, September 11, 2008

flaxseeds, in depth.

This is an excellent source of information on flaxseeds.
Flaxseeds are very important to prevent breast cancer and it helps reduce hot flashes.

I read that eating some amount of flaxseed flour per day will completely level out estrogen levels.
This is wonderful.

I am slowly beginning to really put the pieces together.. I need to go grocery shopping so that I will be well fed for a few days and I can document all that I have learned lately.


This is a big help on some magnesium issues.

Today I made a smoothie with these ingredients: 4 bananas, blueberries, three or four extremely large blackberries, purple grapes, about 1/2 tbsp of blackstrap molasses, 3 tbsp of ground flaxseed, and less than a cup of unsweetened original almond milk.

It tastes just like bananas but it is dark purple. :)

I can see dark colors now. I mean, differences in dark colors. thanks to the smoothies.
Which makes me think that I can improve my eye sight to the point of not having to wear glasses anymore, if I keep on eating so many fruits per day. That is my ultimate goal.

Today I also made blackstrap molasses glazed walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds. 1/4 cup blackstrap molasses and 1/4 cup demerara cane sugar. (not refined)

Very important:
this is the best link ever.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is a good article about the different fruits & vegetables that contain the different enzymes that we need.

And this is a good article on sulfur. Sulfur helps cartilage form... or something. And so, I think it would be good to eat more sulfur-containing foods.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

magnesium/circulation... and enzymes.

For the past two nights, I have slept very, very well.
For the past two nights, before going to bed, I have soaked in Epsom Salt.
Epsom salt contains magnesium; and the fastest way to get magnesium is to absorb it through the skin.

When I got out of the bathtub last night, I felt like my circulation was better than it usually is, and so I googled "magnesium and circulation" and came upon this article. "Magnesium ensures the strength and firmness of the bones, and it makes the teeth harder. Adequate intake of magnesium counteracts acidity, poor circulation and glandular disorders."

I wrote this on August 26, somewhere else:
I read an article on enzymes yesterday at It told me the answers to the questions that I had about enzymes back when I learned about them via those autistic doctor websites. That's how we found out about the protease enzymes that were supposed to help with the gluten-free/casein-free diet, only they were filled with MonoSodium glutamate, so that kind of made them not worthwhile in the end. Even Hank started to realize that MonoSodium glutamate has an interesting affect on him.
On that article on, I learned that enzymes occur naturally in plant food sources. So, having said that, this means that if you believe you cannot properly digest something... Just start eating a lot more *fresh* fruits and vegetables. Eat less of what you believe you cannot digest properly and more fresh things. When you cook or process something, it loses its enzymes. Enzymes are different from vitamins and minerals.
So yesterday I ate almost a whole piece of glutenous bread with something that was extremely spicy.. I also ate a lot of fresh vegetables and coincidentally, today, not only am I not nauseated, my stomach was actually *growling* this morning.
I also found out that if you want to eat fresh hot peppers, mixing them with a combo of milk, cheese, and sour cream is the best way to get the hot pepper down. I have been trying to eat cayanne (sp?) peppers, fresh, with the seeds. I ate a few of the seeds, but they are hot. However, I know just the outside of the pepper contains beta carotene.. if it is red.

I recently learned that all "enzymes" are genetically modified organisms.
Which means that they are quite different from real enzymes that occur naturally in plants.
They say that they're basically the same -- the GMOs and the real thing.

Friday, September 5, 2008

black bean soup & smoothie. (and other ideas)

After reading this, which tells some proportions to use when making smoothies, I decided to make one.
I blended some strawberries, green grapes, 2 bananas, and one thing that is made in Peru and it is orange and it tastes and looks like a large, seedless Clementine. Then I ground 3 tbsp of flaxseeds, because they're supposed to help level out estrogen levels - not raise them (like soy products). I also added 1 tbsp of demerara sugar.
I put maybe 1/2 cup of Almond milk in it. There wasn't much room left in the blender once I had all of the fruit in there. :)
I poured myself a glass before I remembered to put ice in there.

It tastes like a smoothie.

Smoothies ought to be an easy way for me to get all of my fresh fruits in. I need to start thinking about making smoothies for vegetables, too.

Last night, I made that black bean soup for supper. It was very good.. and very very easy to make.

This is what seems to be a good link for reading about the different types of cooking oils.
Both my mom & I are having symptoms that we deem to be similar to fibromyalgia. Upon searching for answers just now, I came upon this which might help.
And I also found this article written by a doctor who tells about how an overdose of MSG and Aspartame can lead to cardiac arrest in athletes...

Which makes me think that both Aspartame and MSG deplete Magnesium.. or something?

This is a study done on rats concerning MSG.
And this is Specific depletion of immunoreactive growth hormone-releasing factor by monosodium glutamate in rat median eminence

Thursday, September 4, 2008

it all began with chromium.

I think I may be low on chromium. (I have been craving sugar a LOT lately.) Then, I looked up about chromium-rich foods and found this about tomatoes.

When you crave sugar, your body is low on chromium. At some point earlier in the year, I read that it meant you were low on two minerals, but the only one I could find this morning was chromium.

I need to try to remember to find a way to be tested for nutritional deficiencies...soon. But not right now!

Also, here's a link to some USDA nutritional database.

Read this soon. It tells about why Stress Makes You Eat.

Um... this is probably a read, too:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I dream of black bean soup.

This seems like a good recipe for black bean soup.

I went to the registered dietitian today.
A few months ago, I made a mental note to myself that by the time I finally went to a registered dietitian, I would have the whole eating thing pretty well figured out.

This happened. I did learn how many servings of each food group to eat per day, though. I'm going to try to eat more fresh fruit and nuts than anything else. I know, I've said this before, but I mean it now.
And this weekend, I really think (if nothing else pops up) we may make bread! Well, bread that does not have fruit in it.

I attempted to purchase brown sugar at Walmart, but I ended up buying sugar that is not refined and was only filtered once. But, the best thing about this sugar... it is not made from Genetically Modified Organisms!
I don't know if all of the food that contains GMOs are bad, but I do know that I want to stay away from the ones with high amounts of un-natural MonoSodium Glutamate.

(note to self: include recipes for magnesium(etc)-rich-foods on website...)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 crazy.

I have many, many things to say on this subject. Just not right now. :)

It's AWFULLY coincidental that almost everything on that list is basically MonoSodium gluatamate in disguise.


I did learn, however, from this video, that both Canada and Europe have banned the use of GMOs in their food.

pcb. :(

Via the Monsanto videos that I just watched, I became um, very intrigued by PCB.

I just did a little bit of research and I need to look more up on:
PCB and autism
what all contains pcb
and more on the symptoms of too much pcb

and... try to find out something that depletes pcb... i did begin by looking up this and found nothing. think of different key words.

Monsanto, soy beans, additives.

I need to read this soon. It is about how most additives are GMOs.

And I am currently in the process of watching The World According to Monsanto on youtube.
This is sort of like the missing link to all of the research I've done about how bad additives are... A lot of these GMOs clearly have high doses of MonoSodium Glutamate in them, but I need to research that as well.

I think that the destruction of some nuclear things in Anniston has something to do with Monsanto.

Monsanto is the reason why soybeans are so bad for us, I think. But I'm not sure. The protein in the soybean is changed when it is sprayed with roundup, or something. or they've created a strain of soybean that is resistent to round up, and so you can use that on the weeds... but the protein that makes the soybean able to be resistent to round up... is that protein DIGESTABLE by the average or any human or animal-being?

i bet it isn't.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

a celebration. (b vitamins, vitamin A, extraordinaire)

I ate some hush puppies last night at a restaurant that I'm pretty sure have gluten in them. I went from 105lbs to 109.5lbs in one night. It's amazing what that glue does to me.
Anyway, so I read that article about how to improve eye sight, and then I did more in-depth research. This is what I consider to be an "obsession" and I am only able to divulge in such obsessions when I have eaten some delicious gluten.
I read this.
And reached the conclusion that I need a lot more Vitamin A in my diet.
Night blindness, dry eyes, those are both symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency.
1 cup of raw carrots has 686.3% of your DV for Vitamin A according to

I am so relieved to find out that I can make my eyesight better.. and make dry eyes go away!

Today I also learned that raw peanuts contain a carcinogen in them. So it is clearly not healthy to eat *everything* raw.
1/4 cup of peanuts have 22% of your DV of niacin. Oh, and peanuts are also a very good source of calories. This is good to know, good to know.

Friday, August 29, 2008

b vitamins and eye sight

I think that due to drinking some juice that has 4 types of b vitamins (b-3,5,6,12) my eye sight just got a little better.. I don't have to strain my eyes in order to see the TV clearly. I must remember this for the future. I have dry eyes, too, and it talks about that.
However, this article helps me to know that I *can* improve my vision. That's something that they just don't tell you when you go to the eye doctor.
Kudzu has magnesium in it.... it's magnesium that makes it good to give to alcoholics.

We successfully made that buckwheat sweet potato bread. I ended up using 1 cup buckwheat flour & 1 cup brown rice flour. We also added some walnuts and left out the flaxseed since it may contain estrogen in the same manner that soy does.
I still haven't done any research on the estrogen-flaxseed thing yet.. We have a whole unopened bag of flaxseeds.
I do need to find out if estrogen is *good* for anything.. like, helps alleviate something or anything. Not that I'd turn to soy in such an event, but perhaps flaxseeds.. if the rumors are true.

That bread recipe is one that we can interchange the ingredients. Next time we may use bananas instead of sweet potatoes and also add some type of fruit.. raisins or something.
Last night I had the idea of using that same flour, and then changing the other ingredients so that it has veggies in it instead of fruit. Like, use maybe sundried tomatoes instead of raisins.. And instead of using sweet potatoes, use yellow squash.

I have an appointment with a registered dietician on September 3.

On Aug. 12, I took note that butter gives me really bad indigestion. Then, about a week later, I learned that sour cream also gives me indigestion UNLESS I am eating a fresh hot pepper with it.

Yesterday I reached the conclusion that the reason why you're not supposed to eat chocolate when you have Meniere's disease is because chocolate naturally has caffeine in it and caffeine depletes Magnesium.

(a slight list of foods that have some level of magnesium in them: black beans, almonds, tomatoes, bananas, buckwheat, prunes, cilantro...)

Monday, August 25, 2008

How to defeat Monosodium glutamate.

A revelation about Monosodium glutamate has occured.

"People who are sensitive to monosodium glutamate (MSG) have their symptoms resolved by taking B6 supplements."

Time to find out what contains vitamin b6! ...

um, also:
i hope to attempt to make this soon.

I also just learned that the more protein you eat, the more b6 you need.
good to know.

Friday, August 15, 2008

msg & magnesium.

I figured out tonight, that when "salt" is listed as an ingredient, that is the code word for MonoSodium Glutamate.
I already knew for certain that when "spices" or "herbs" is listed as an ingredient, it means MSG, but I had no idea... for some reason, though a little suspicion, that "salt" could possibly actually mean msg. (tobasco sauce contains "salt" on the ingredients list. and someone i know who loves msg loves tobasco sauce.... i mean, that's one way i figured it out.)

also, bananas have some magnesium in them. as well as a lot of carbs. and vitamin b6. green bananas have pectin in them.
i am so in love with

i am trying to get to the point where i can start working diligently on my website. i am going to get the nutrition portion up first.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

hot peppers, magnesium, diet..

I am trying something different.
I ate a bowl of cereal with some soy-lecithin-ish Almond milk and koala crisp cereal. Now I am in the process of consuming a spinach and sunflower seed salad, with a yellow tomato on the side.. I began pondering a hot pepper, because I know they're so good for us..

So, I found this, eventually:

I am having the hemp seed oil-salad dressing with my salad. So this will be an interesting experience in the morning for my digestive system and also throughout the day -- to see if I have more energy because I got some omega fatty acids. Oh, plus I needed to restore some magnesium levels.

After reading that thing about buckwheat, I want to make buckwheat beer sometime... because even though alcohol depletes magnesium (as does: laxatives, caffeine, throwing up, etc) buckwheat contains a *lot* of magnesium... so doesn't that seem like buckwheat beer would be the ideal beer for someone with Meniere's disease? yes.

I can't wait to see what the bread tastes like. It seems amazing to me that I am getting by pretty well without bread... But it isn't extremely easy. And I do consume it from time to time, so as to not starve. Being hungry is worse than not eating carbohydrates, in whatever form they come in... be in gluten or otherwise.

I still have yet to do research about how much estrogen is in flaxseeds in comparison to soy. I'm quite afraid of what I'll find, because those allergy-free bars that have b-vitamins (which help with cholesterol) and magnesium contain flaxseeds.

a great link about buckwheat!

Friday, August 8, 2008

soy lecithin... again

This is good about soy lecithin.

it appears that fresh fruits & veggies and nuts are the way to go..
oh, and beans.
and occassional meat, hopefully organic and grass-fed..

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Magnesium and B vitamins.

About three or four days ago, maybe a little more, I began consuming larger amounts of magnesium and various B-vitamins in my diet.
Did you know that niacin, thiamin, riboflavin are all b-vitamins?
I just recently made this connection myself.

Since I began ingesting more magnesium and B-vitamins, my TMJ has essentially gone away and my Meniere's disease has lessened. I still have a slight fullness in the ear sometimes, but for the most part, I can hear much better out of my right ear. I also don't have vertigo near as often.

I also almost never have tinnitus (roaring in the ear, mostly) except for if i'm tired and I'm bending over. That's when the pressure moves or something and it seems to worsen.

I recently went through a period of always having low carbohydrate levels and always having LOW CALORIE levels.
My brother was telling me last night that in a normal person's diet, dairy products and wheat/rye/barley products (or other products that contain GLUE) are the main source of calories in their diet.
Since we have eliminated those two things, because we can't digest them and it causes other adverse reactions, it is seemingly more difficult to maintain proper carbohydrate levels and calorie levels.
Or, at least, I have to eat more food. There are no easy solutions. More healthy food. I feel best when I eat mostly just fresh fruits and vegetables, but I'm never able to keep this up for an extended amount of time.

I also started taking 1 tbsp of Manitoba Harvest Certified Organic Hemp seed oil. It gives me more energy and puts me in a better place.. I know it does other things, too. It is an excellent source of the omega fatty acids. I need to do some in-depth research soon about what the fatty acids do.. specifically.

Once upon a time, on Feb. 2, 2008, I pulled a muscle in my left breast. Then I continued to pull it again and again. And then it eventually healed on its own, when I finally stopped picking things up and breathing heavily/laughing hard. However, I still had some major pain there, but I think it was because my muscle was lacking *tone*.. I have noted significantly less pain in that area (I think it's the muscle doing something with the fibroids, personally) since I started drinking a lot of the Cherry Pomegrante plus juice and eating these allergy-free bars (but they contain flaxseed and flaxseed SUPPOSEDLY has estrogen in it in the same way that soy does!!!! - Hank made this discovery last night.) that are a good source of magnesium, carbs, and the b-vitamins.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

that is the best source of info about magnesium that i have found all in one place.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

fragile x

I am going to be tested for Fragile X... once I find someone to refer me.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Monosodium glutamate and Torticollis, a love story.

For about the past seven days or so, I had been noticing some tightness in my neck muscles. I also noticed that turning my head to either side seemed to be increasingly difficult.
Then, the day after we went to Cathedral Caverns, my two *main* neck muscles were so SORE. If I touched them, it hurt and just when I would move my head from side to side, they hurt really bad.
The day after that, when I would try to sharply and/or quickly turn my head to the left or right, I would get this really sharp pain on the bottom right part of my head/beginning of my neck. This lasted for two days.
Yesterday, at some point, my brother was viewing one of the MSG websites that I had already been to, but I just didn't read it as thoroughly as we did yesterday.

Protease Enzymes = Monosodium glutamate

(I must interject here that I was becoming very upset that my torticollis was returning.)
Shortly after the findings that the enzymes I had been taking to supplement the gluten-free/casein-free/soy-free diet are basically little MSG pills, I googled "monosodium glutamate and torticollis"...
I did not take any MSG pills yesterday and my neck is a lot better.

I need to completely stop consuming dairy again since I'm not able to take those msg enzymes.
However, because of this, now I am going to do the research to figure out which enzymes I need and then I will try to find the best...price.

I think I am getting closer to figuring out this whole diet thing. It is getting increasingly easier, I know.
The Protease enzymes were a slight setback, but a good lesson learned.

Monday, July 7, 2008

msg is in protease enzymes, too.

I found out tonight that those enzymes that I bought for my brother and I to supplement the gfcfsf diet have MSG in them. And MSG is terrible.
So we're going to take all of these until they're gone, but I am going to do the real research on what foods we have trouble ingesting (and thus far, I really feel like the main ones are gluten and soy and casein.) However, even while I consider myself to be on the gfcfsf diet, I will most likely increase my intake of soy lecithin (if i ever learn to make homemade snack foods and um... things that taste good, then this increase would decrease to non-existent) while I'm trying to gain weight and then keep eating those Soy-Lecithin-ish products even after I've gained the weight, so that I can maintain it. I am starting to really crave this DELICIOUS chocolate almond milk. It contains soy lecithin, and that's the MAIN reason why it is SO delicious.. Or, the reason why I want unlimited amounts of it and would be able to continually eat it until completely full. You're not SUPPOSED to naturally want to consume large quantities of *any* single food item.
I wrote down some things to look up, but I left it downstairs. I need to very soon find out if you can use any time of Lecithin as an emulsifier or like, specifically: what is so special about Soy Lecithin? So....incredibly delicious?

this is good

Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The shutdown aka Frankie (part 1)

If I had been the type to commit suicide, I probably would have killed myself AT SOME POINT during my shutdown.
Frankie (this is what I named my shutdown) was the worst experience of my entire life. I know that many other people are going through this same thing and have GONE through this same thing... And they're never the same again. I understand why - I will never be the same as I once was. I know that the Frankie lasted a really long time and that, naturally, over a period of two years people generally change at least a little. The changes I went through were not your typical changes.
(I also wanted to take this time to tell you that the Frankie was caused because I had been really stressed out for years, then I was supposed to graduate in December of '05. I had a best friend, who was a guy, and at some point, amidst all of the stress and anxiety that I already had, I began to confuse my feelings of complete and utter FRIENDSHIP and love for him as something that it wasn't. I also then, began to date him. And then I seemingly "went crazy." I threw up all the time, I was always anxious, always stressed out, I couldn't handle anything. I can remember doubting whether or not I should actually sign up for classes that fall. I used to wish that I hadn't signed up, but if all that hadn't happened, I wouldn't be as knowledgeable as I am today.)
The after-effects of the Frankie were:
  • I had OCD thoughts that I did not want to have and that I had literally NEVER had before. (When I would drive, I would sometimes imagine myself careening off a bridge or sometimes, I would imagine that *I* was running over *my* hands while driving. That sounds way more insane to me right now than it did when it was happening.)
  • A lack of eye contact. (Specifically, well, it took several months for it to occur to me that I needed to look someone in the eye when talking to them. Then, when I tried doing that, I wondered how long I was supposed to look and even then, I couldn't make eye contact for very long because it REALLY creeped me out for some reason. I don't understand this AT ALL, but it made me very very uneasy to look *anyone* in the eye. Sometimes I still have to force myself. -- But the diet, as long as there are no hidden culprits, works very well if you wish to make eye contact for whatever the appropriate amount of time is.)
  • Stress. social stress. I have honestly never in my life wondered about so many different social things. I didn't even realize all these things existed and that most of these things "come naturally" to neuro-typical ("""normal""") people.
  • extreme ADD
  • poor coordination
  • I lost many abilities that I had prior. They are slowly returning. I understand that I didn't do these things for a long time, but it was like I forgot how to do EVERYTHING.
  • My memory seemed to not be very good after the shutdown, but it has improved with time and possibly even the diet has helped it.
  • My sense of sarcasm left me completely. (I began understanding sarcasm in the 7th grade, I kind of think that was the product of some type of shutdown of SOME sort.)

    Oh yes, I also wanted to let you know that the shutdown that I encountered was a full shutdown. Here is some information on shutdowns. This is the best information I have found about shutdowns and the description for a "full shutdown" accurately describes what I experienced.

    Stress and guilt caused me to "shutdown" and then I didn't know what was going on, so I kept pushing myself to go out and socialize. This was not a good thing to do. I did so many insane things and at least ONE really dangerous thing. I came out alright, but it was still a dangerous thing to do. I was very vulnerable and I could not see what someone's true intentions were until I was going over it in my head over and over again much later.

  • this is a work in progress. i will add more to this later.

    Msg is a problem.

    Okay, that website tells like, everything that contains some amount of MSG.
    COINCIDNETALLY, all those foods that are in the lower chart are off limits if you're on the gluten-free/casein-free diet (IF you want it to work for you..)

    i was suspicious of malic acid, but I believe it is okay.

    any kind of carb supplement has MSG in it.


    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    a lack of diet *can* drive you insane

    Well, I don't really know where I am on this whole gluten-free/casein-free/soy-free diet at this point. I had been having some strong cravings for cheese and my sister bought some goat cheese from Whole Foods. I started consuming it often and then started having sinus problems again. Not a coincidence. Luckily, my neighbor has goats and they hang out near our road. I was riding my bike past them and caught a whiff of what they smell like. They smell just like their cheese and milk tastes. Now I can't eat it, and I am eternally thankful. It was really messing my sinuses up. I also thought it was making me pee more often, but I believe something else did that.
    My eating habits have become so bad, that I am beginning to develop these new health problems... Like, all at once. I believe it is because along with not eating, I was beginning to exercise a whole lot. I lack a lot of the proper enzymes and the right amount of enzymes to do everything that needs to get done in my body (apparently).
    I have found it is quite difficult to think straight when you are low on carbohydrates. When you are low on carbohydrates and also quite hungry as well, you are MUCH more likely to pass out in the literal sense. I started seeing stars a few minutes ago and so I drank some V8 Fusion. My only source of carbohydrates right now is fruit and juice. I may fry some corn tortillas up. And last night, I had the STRANGEST craving for food EVER. I was craving corn bread. I wanted to eat like, a LOT of it. I don't even really like corn bread, but obviously I am beginning to fall in love. (I prefer corn bread that is in pancake form, not the kind that is made in an iron skillet. I hate the crust. It tastes terrible, but last night I could picture myself eating the crust and enjoying the hell out of it.)
    I went to GNC yesterday and I was very insane, but I purchased: choline, calcium (w/trace minerals), manganese, and papaya enzymes. I got the manganese for TMJ and the choline for TMJ as well. The manganese is working WONDERS for my jaw-clenching problem. However, the calcium could also be helping with that.
    I am going to return to GNC tomorrow to purchase some carbohydrates for consumption. :) My body will probably thank me in more ways than one once my carb levels get back up to some normal range.
    This weekend, I am hoping to have enough energy to put forth to make sorghum flax seed bread. If I have carbs in my system as well as all these other things, I will definitely have energy.

    Last night, I measured my height before I went to bed and I discovered that at some point in time, I grew half an inch. I used to be 5'4 and a half, but I am most definitely 5'5 now. I think I must have grown sometime within the last year or two.
    I also re-organized my purse. This may sound insignificant to you, but I was able to figure out how to fit more things in my purse than ever before and I still have room left over. I believe I can attribute this to the diet.

    I am terribly excited about the prospect of my body having carbohydrates again. I think that it will be easier for me to "waste energy" (cuz it won't be a waste, it will be a release) on cleaning my room once I have plenty of energy to do everything that I want to do. :)

    Saturday, June 14, 2008

    enzyme supplements.

    I just bought those enzyme supplements. It was the best price for that kind, so I bought 3 of them. It says to take 1-2 every time you eat a meal or a snack..

    This should help out a lot with the diet.

    I have been experiencing some very interesting side affects of not eating gluten. Gluten is apparently where I was getting pretty much all of my carbohydrates. Since I cut that out, I am very low on carbs unless I eat a lot of fruit. It's hard to do that consistently.
    Anyway, I'm still going to be on the gluten-free, casein-free diet, I'm just not going to work as hard to stay on it and I'll be eating things like goat cheese and stuff. Even if the enzyme supplements work great, I still don't think all those highly processed foods are a good thing to eat.

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008

    things i learned tonight

    white "fingernail beds" are a sign of low selenium

    selenium, coincidentally, breaks down mercury.

    Excellent sources of selenium include button mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, cod, shrimp, snapper, tuna, halibut, calf's liver, and salmon.

    so I need to learn to like mushrooms, apparently.

    selenium is what we need to get rid of this excess mercury. i looked up more about my fillings and i dont want to have them removed. i want to eat foods high in selenium and low in mercury. mercury is what causes our guts to not be able to digest gluten and casein.

    So, THEORETICALLY speaking, if I were to eat all these foods that are high in selenium and hopefully contain no mercury, then could my body eventually level itself out without the use of "enzyme supplements"???
    i'm still quite confused about that whole supplement procedure or how everyone is doing the enzyme thing.
    That's how I got on the right path to finding out how to break down the Mercury. Mercury causes ... so many damn problems.

    Sunday, May 25, 2008

    healthy eating.

    I've been on the diet for certain for at least seven days now. With the exception of the day that I consumed mostly Emerald glazed nuts. They contain Soy Lecithin. Soy is known to be a trigger food for Asperger's and the after effects of consuming Soy Lecithin (note: I also tend to crave and eat large amounts of those glazed emerald nuts) were very very similar to consuming gluten. Maybe a little more intense. Then again, I did eat a lot of them.

    Anyway, so last night I made two batches of molasses glazed walnuts. Walnuts have the highest content of omega 3 fatty acids of any other food that I currently know about. According to, 1/4 cup walnuts has 94.6% of your DV for omega 3s.
    I found a recipe for molasses glazed pecans that sounded good... I boiled equal amounts of sugar (organic) and light unsulfured molasses for a little under a minute. I mixed the walnuts in there and then put them in the oven. They were really good. In the future, I am going to make large batches of them so we will have plenty of healthy snack food. (2 tsp of blackstrap molasses has 18% DV manganese and 14% copper, 13 % iron, 11% calcium)

    I have my very own definitions of what some things are... And Asperger's/autism (you know, I don't know what it is, really, but it's bigger than any of you may know) is one of those things. If you try the the diet and it doesn't work, maybe you have not reached the cause of your problems yet. It takes some time.
    I have started to consume a lot of raw fruits recently.

    Sunday, May 18, 2008

    This is why I'm here.

    Once I finally figured out that what happened to me two and a half years ago was not a nervous breakdown, nor did I "go crazy." I had what is called a "full shutdown." And with THAT information, I have concluded that I have an undiagnosed case of Asperger's syndrome.

    The realization of this caused me to research many, many different topics that are so very closely related to the above.
    My findings have been shocking in so many ways.

    This is what this blog is all about. My new theories. I am going to some day soon write a research paper on Asperger's and all that I believe it encompasses.