Saturday, October 25, 2008

fibroid cysts do NOT like MSG.

I hut pizza, two days in a row. complete with breadsticks.
And after I finished eating it the first night, I felt pain in all of my fibroid cysts that I am aware of... and then an underarm fibroid cyst appeared.

Tonight I'm going to soak in Epsom hopes of it getting rid of the cyst under my arm.

But that link may tell the most useful information on all of this insane stuff..

It occured to me yesterday that I am attempting to do something that is quite impossible. - I am trying to avoid gluten, casein, soy, and MSG (and other exciotoxins). MSG is really the main thing I'm trying to avoid, and on Monday I hope to be able to buy some MSG-free basic cooking ingredients. i think they sell such things at Whole Foods.

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