Friday, October 31, 2008

possible tabasco sauce recipes

Last night, whilst making a mushroom-rice-filled supper, I forgot to add the white wine, and so supper was entirely more salty than I needed it to be.
and so I soaked in epsom salt for 45 minutes before going to bed.
and my ear is not so bad off today, and my balance is alright.

a lack of vertigo is so good.

Yesterday I went through one bucket of peppers and got out almost all of the yellow and orange ones and I washed them.
now I need to pick out a recipe and make some pepper sauce.

I've decided to start keeping a food and beverage journal. i just don't know where such a thing will be located just yet. (this can also help me with figuring out which nutrients i may be low on AND how much to increase my eatings so as to healthily gain weight for this winter. - I cannot *stand* being freezing all the time.)

I still have not located coconuts. i still fantasize about them.
perhaps this weekend will be the Weekend of the Coconuts.

the underarm cyst officially went away yesterday or the day before yesterday. these days are running together. i think i can attribute it going away due to the amount of epsom salt I soaked in and the amount of tea tree oil I put on.

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