Monday, October 20, 2008

*laughs insanely* (meniere's disease and msg: proof)

Oh, this is so good. I am really onto something here. And it is exciting.

In the ear that I have been diagnosed as having Meniere's Disease in, sometimes... and sometimes more often than not, I have these cysts that appear in the..pathway to my ear. do they call that a canal? if the ear has a canal that is leading to the opening of the ear, then yes, that is where I have cysts.
They obstruct my hearing and they hurt and they ONLY appear in my right ear. Not my left. So I believe it is something relating to Meniere's Disease.
Now, we all know that I strongly believe that my Meniere's Disease was caused solely by MonoSodium glutamate, since I was mostly just consuming products that consisted mostly of MSG (Gatorade was my main food source during this time.)... Well, I got the idea to look up and see if MSG causes cysts.
I don't really know if it does, but I came upon "why does MSG cause cancer" (which tells how to prevent the msg from turning into cancer..something about citric acid, i think)... and then, I came across this which says that certain organs have "glutamate receptors"... THEN I googled 'which organs have glutamate receptors' and GUESS WHICH ORGAN the results displayed!!! no, no... guess!!
The Vestibular organ!

vestibular organ
The structure composed of the utricle, saccule, and the three semicircular ducts of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.

The effect of monosodium glutamate on your health
-- this is good, i think.

I remember reading this link a long time ago, when I was first beginning to do research about nutrition and msg and stuff: It gives a good list of things that cause meniere's disease symptoms and also a lot of the hidden names for MSG. It's a proposed natural treatment for Meniere's Disease.

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