Friday, August 15, 2008

msg & magnesium.

I figured out tonight, that when "salt" is listed as an ingredient, that is the code word for MonoSodium Glutamate.
I already knew for certain that when "spices" or "herbs" is listed as an ingredient, it means MSG, but I had no idea... for some reason, though a little suspicion, that "salt" could possibly actually mean msg. (tobasco sauce contains "salt" on the ingredients list. and someone i know who loves msg loves tobasco sauce.... i mean, that's one way i figured it out.)

also, bananas have some magnesium in them. as well as a lot of carbs. and vitamin b6. green bananas have pectin in them.
i am so in love with

i am trying to get to the point where i can start working diligently on my website. i am going to get the nutrition portion up first.

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