Friday, August 29, 2008

Kudzu has magnesium in it.... it's magnesium that makes it good to give to alcoholics.

We successfully made that buckwheat sweet potato bread. I ended up using 1 cup buckwheat flour & 1 cup brown rice flour. We also added some walnuts and left out the flaxseed since it may contain estrogen in the same manner that soy does.
I still haven't done any research on the estrogen-flaxseed thing yet.. We have a whole unopened bag of flaxseeds.
I do need to find out if estrogen is *good* for anything.. like, helps alleviate something or anything. Not that I'd turn to soy in such an event, but perhaps flaxseeds.. if the rumors are true.

That bread recipe is one that we can interchange the ingredients. Next time we may use bananas instead of sweet potatoes and also add some type of fruit.. raisins or something.
Last night I had the idea of using that same flour, and then changing the other ingredients so that it has veggies in it instead of fruit. Like, use maybe sundried tomatoes instead of raisins.. And instead of using sweet potatoes, use yellow squash.

I have an appointment with a registered dietician on September 3.

On Aug. 12, I took note that butter gives me really bad indigestion. Then, about a week later, I learned that sour cream also gives me indigestion UNLESS I am eating a fresh hot pepper with it.

Yesterday I reached the conclusion that the reason why you're not supposed to eat chocolate when you have Meniere's disease is because chocolate naturally has caffeine in it and caffeine depletes Magnesium.

(a slight list of foods that have some level of magnesium in them: black beans, almonds, tomatoes, bananas, buckwheat, prunes, cilantro...)

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