Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Monosodium glutamate and Torticollis, a love story.

For about the past seven days or so, I had been noticing some tightness in my neck muscles. I also noticed that turning my head to either side seemed to be increasingly difficult.
Then, the day after we went to Cathedral Caverns, my two *main* neck muscles were so SORE. If I touched them, it hurt and just when I would move my head from side to side, they hurt really bad.
The day after that, when I would try to sharply and/or quickly turn my head to the left or right, I would get this really sharp pain on the bottom right part of my head/beginning of my neck. This lasted for two days.
Yesterday, at some point, my brother was viewing one of the MSG websites that I had already been to, but I just didn't read it as thoroughly as we did yesterday.

Protease Enzymes = Monosodium glutamate

(I must interject here that I was becoming very upset that my torticollis was returning.)
Shortly after the findings that the enzymes I had been taking to supplement the gluten-free/casein-free/soy-free diet are basically little MSG pills, I googled "monosodium glutamate and torticollis"...
I did not take any MSG pills yesterday and my neck is a lot better.

I need to completely stop consuming dairy again since I'm not able to take those msg enzymes.
However, because of this, now I am going to do the research to figure out which enzymes I need and then I will try to find the best...price.

I think I am getting closer to figuring out this whole diet thing. It is getting increasingly easier, I know.
The Protease enzymes were a slight setback, but a good lesson learned.

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