Monday, September 29, 2008

some good things to read when i get a chance...

look up how to grow crimini mushrooms.

the steps to take to create a meal plan:
make a list of all the foods that i want to include within my meal plan,
then write out recipes/create recipes/look up recipes that include the foods..
then make out 6 small meals and 3 big meals to have to get everything I need to survive healthily.

perhaps create a plethora of different meals to have and then just schedule to have them in a rotating sort of manner.

Why I need more Copper in my daily eatings.

"The body uses copper to produce the myelin sheaths that coat the nerve endings, and studies indicate that copper may be useful for the prevention or treatment of disorders that have been linked to poor functioning of the central nervous system, such as ADD/ADHD, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy." --

This could be a part of the information that I need on HOW TO REPAIR NEURONS!!!! The neurons that MonoSodium Glutamate kills so...carelessly. (and tirelessly!)
How exciting!

I started out by googling "Why does copper help sinus problems" and although I didn't really find anything about that, I found better stuff.

Oh, and then, as always.. The whfoods entry on Copper tells some noteworthy things as well...
Copper helps promote healthy collagen!!!!!!!!
I've been losing lots of hair recently, so an increase in Copper will help with this. I just need to make sure that I am able to increase.... everything all at the same time. *goes crazy on the inside*

Although I do feel good about the progress that I am making, going about eating in a manner such as this, I just wonder if I will
And if there isn't some type of doctor that just deals with this and helping FOLK with it.... There NEEDS TO BE!!!!
this is absolutely maddening. - I'm not a vegan, but due to the high cost of grass-fed meats.. I'm quite close.

It is like one big puzzle and I'm slowly putting the pieces together.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


type 1 diabetes & celiac disease

I am now quite interested in celiac disease and whether you can have an intolerance to gluten and have Asperger's and NOT have celiac disease.

I want to find out what type of doctor to go to in order to be diagnosed with celiac disease, but I haven't found that answer yet.

Last night I made blackstrap molasses glazed: walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, and almonds.
And while ago, I made that buckwheat-brown rice-banana-walnut-organic chocolate chip-coconut bread.
Cooking is becoming easier to do, more continuously than before.

bananas are the best fruit ever. they improve my eyesight.

Friday, September 19, 2008

This is a good link about the holistic approach to arthritis.

And this is a good link for the list of products containing gluten, but it also lists some things that are hidden names for MSG, apparently some of these contain gluten sometimes.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

bread and a smoothie, a muscadine addiction.

Using that buckwheat sweet potato bread recipe that I found here, I created a little something different... I put bananas instead of sweet potatoes, and I added walnuts, organic chocolate chips, and some coconut. I also used minneola (it's like Clementines but bigger, better, and seedless) juice instead of orange juice and minneola/clementine zest instead of orange zest.
I also ground up some extra flaxseed and put it in with the flour, so there was a little less than a cup of brown rice flour.

Then, I made a smoothie and I have learned that when it comes to smoothies, less is best.
(The other day I made what was probably a delicious smoothie and then, before trying it, I added 1 TBSP of blackstrap molasses. It made it taste terrible.)
Today, I utilized one banana, one orange, a little leftover minneola juice, and some red grapes.
And the only thing extra I added was ice.

I recently bought some muscadines (purple & golden) from the Pig and I ate almost all of them right before going to bed one night. Then I dreamed of them, thought about them every time I awoke, and basically became addicted to them over night. ;)
Then I did research and I found that they contain this... er, something that helps you live longer. It's in the skin of red grapes, too.

How many neurons have you killed today?

guar gum is an alternative to xanthan gum. (I must remember this!) Although I do not know if xanthan gum contains any MSG, it is a genetically modified organism, so that makes me suspicious.

I do not eat chinese food anymore because of the high level of sodium in their food. I would definitely over-dose on salt if I ate at such a place. However, I am having no trouble finding my sources of MSG elsewhere. I've also decided that MSG is an addiction, much like gluten and casein. They put MSG in a lot of dairy products, though. The off-brand sour cream contains more than one type of MSG. - I eat sour cream so I can eat a cayenne pepper.

The other night, we had spaghetti and I put this... MSG-filled cheese on my spaghetti in hopes of enticing myself to consume a pepper with my meal. (It really helps me with my sinuses to do this.) However, I could not force myself to do such a thing. So last night, I ate an entire green cayenne pepper with the help of sour cream. And not a large amount of sour cream, just enough so that my mouth was NOT going to be on fire. It makes me lose my appetite when my mouth burns so hotly.
Oh, but because I ate that cheese on my spaghetti and I didn't consume a pepper, my nose had started to run! I knew I wasn't sick per se.. So I knew it was that stupid cheese. I must END MY ADDICTION TO CHEESE/msg. I simply must.

My nose is not running today. I can breathe easy. Thank you, cayenne pepper!

recap: sour cream + cayenne pepper = no burn. at all.
and NO SINUS PROBLEMS FROM EATING DAIRY, as long as it is all balanced out OR you eat more peppers than dairy.

I'm starting to believe that MSG is dehydrating me. I want to find out how much MSG is in one form of MSG. And if higher concentrations of MSG are in like, other types?
I don't really understand it all, this MSG stuff.. I know that MSG occurs naturally in things like tomatoes, but I'm quite positive that the *amount* of MSG in tomatoes versus something like... bbq chips, well, the chips would win hands down.
Would you like to know how many different types of MSG is in Lays bbq chips?
-corn oil (this is genetically modified as well, but it is also a hidden name for msg)
-natural flavors
-Monosodium glutamate
-corn starch

there are actually probably more than that. I think that when Onion Powder and Paprika and things are listed as ingredients, they are probably not *really* made from onions or paprika...

So, these chips mostly consist of MSG.

Oh yeah. I recently made a slight discovery with these... juices, I believe. Okay, there is some Langer's (it has a lime green top and I'm not positive this is the brand name) Pomegrant Cherry juice that has 20% of 4 b-vitamins in one serving size. Then, there is this juice at walmart that is sold under the Northland brand and it has like ten or more different types of vitamins in it, including the b-vitamins. However, the differences in the two juices is clear. I think the b-vitamins that are in the Pom Cherry juice are actually from those two fruits and the vitamins and stuff in the other juice is GMO.
The Langer's juice helps improve my eyesight and it is what made me look up and find out how to improve eyesight. I'm just glad it can be done.

Yesterday or the day before, I found a recipe for buckwheat brown rice banana chocolate chip muffins. I was looking for the same thing again, but I cannot find it. However, I found this: and I believe that is a very, very good find.
I'm going to make some sort of muffins or bread today.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

a good list of links for future reads. (this is a collection of lists) - "get more minerals from your food"

This is a really good page that tells about refined flours and sugars.

Maximizing the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables - this looks to be really good!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

the best msg-neurological inflammation information i have found yet

Neurological inflammation - This is the type of information about MSG that I have been craving.

*sigh of relief*

Thursday, September 11, 2008

flaxseeds, in depth.

This is an excellent source of information on flaxseeds.
Flaxseeds are very important to prevent breast cancer and it helps reduce hot flashes.

I read that eating some amount of flaxseed flour per day will completely level out estrogen levels.
This is wonderful.

I am slowly beginning to really put the pieces together.. I need to go grocery shopping so that I will be well fed for a few days and I can document all that I have learned lately.


This is a big help on some magnesium issues.

Today I made a smoothie with these ingredients: 4 bananas, blueberries, three or four extremely large blackberries, purple grapes, about 1/2 tbsp of blackstrap molasses, 3 tbsp of ground flaxseed, and less than a cup of unsweetened original almond milk.

It tastes just like bananas but it is dark purple. :)

I can see dark colors now. I mean, differences in dark colors. thanks to the smoothies.
Which makes me think that I can improve my eye sight to the point of not having to wear glasses anymore, if I keep on eating so many fruits per day. That is my ultimate goal.

Today I also made blackstrap molasses glazed walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds. 1/4 cup blackstrap molasses and 1/4 cup demerara cane sugar. (not refined)

Very important:
this is the best link ever.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is a good article about the different fruits & vegetables that contain the different enzymes that we need.

And this is a good article on sulfur. Sulfur helps cartilage form... or something. And so, I think it would be good to eat more sulfur-containing foods.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

magnesium/circulation... and enzymes.

For the past two nights, I have slept very, very well.
For the past two nights, before going to bed, I have soaked in Epsom Salt.
Epsom salt contains magnesium; and the fastest way to get magnesium is to absorb it through the skin.

When I got out of the bathtub last night, I felt like my circulation was better than it usually is, and so I googled "magnesium and circulation" and came upon this article. "Magnesium ensures the strength and firmness of the bones, and it makes the teeth harder. Adequate intake of magnesium counteracts acidity, poor circulation and glandular disorders."

I wrote this on August 26, somewhere else:
I read an article on enzymes yesterday at It told me the answers to the questions that I had about enzymes back when I learned about them via those autistic doctor websites. That's how we found out about the protease enzymes that were supposed to help with the gluten-free/casein-free diet, only they were filled with MonoSodium glutamate, so that kind of made them not worthwhile in the end. Even Hank started to realize that MonoSodium glutamate has an interesting affect on him.
On that article on, I learned that enzymes occur naturally in plant food sources. So, having said that, this means that if you believe you cannot properly digest something... Just start eating a lot more *fresh* fruits and vegetables. Eat less of what you believe you cannot digest properly and more fresh things. When you cook or process something, it loses its enzymes. Enzymes are different from vitamins and minerals.
So yesterday I ate almost a whole piece of glutenous bread with something that was extremely spicy.. I also ate a lot of fresh vegetables and coincidentally, today, not only am I not nauseated, my stomach was actually *growling* this morning.
I also found out that if you want to eat fresh hot peppers, mixing them with a combo of milk, cheese, and sour cream is the best way to get the hot pepper down. I have been trying to eat cayanne (sp?) peppers, fresh, with the seeds. I ate a few of the seeds, but they are hot. However, I know just the outside of the pepper contains beta carotene.. if it is red.

I recently learned that all "enzymes" are genetically modified organisms.
Which means that they are quite different from real enzymes that occur naturally in plants.
They say that they're basically the same -- the GMOs and the real thing.

Friday, September 5, 2008

black bean soup & smoothie. (and other ideas)

After reading this, which tells some proportions to use when making smoothies, I decided to make one.
I blended some strawberries, green grapes, 2 bananas, and one thing that is made in Peru and it is orange and it tastes and looks like a large, seedless Clementine. Then I ground 3 tbsp of flaxseeds, because they're supposed to help level out estrogen levels - not raise them (like soy products). I also added 1 tbsp of demerara sugar.
I put maybe 1/2 cup of Almond milk in it. There wasn't much room left in the blender once I had all of the fruit in there. :)
I poured myself a glass before I remembered to put ice in there.

It tastes like a smoothie.

Smoothies ought to be an easy way for me to get all of my fresh fruits in. I need to start thinking about making smoothies for vegetables, too.

Last night, I made that black bean soup for supper. It was very good.. and very very easy to make.

This is what seems to be a good link for reading about the different types of cooking oils.
Both my mom & I are having symptoms that we deem to be similar to fibromyalgia. Upon searching for answers just now, I came upon this which might help.
And I also found this article written by a doctor who tells about how an overdose of MSG and Aspartame can lead to cardiac arrest in athletes...

Which makes me think that both Aspartame and MSG deplete Magnesium.. or something?

This is a study done on rats concerning MSG.
And this is Specific depletion of immunoreactive growth hormone-releasing factor by monosodium glutamate in rat median eminence

Thursday, September 4, 2008

it all began with chromium.

I think I may be low on chromium. (I have been craving sugar a LOT lately.) Then, I looked up about chromium-rich foods and found this about tomatoes.

When you crave sugar, your body is low on chromium. At some point earlier in the year, I read that it meant you were low on two minerals, but the only one I could find this morning was chromium.

I need to try to remember to find a way to be tested for nutritional deficiencies...soon. But not right now!

Also, here's a link to some USDA nutritional database.

Read this soon. It tells about why Stress Makes You Eat.

Um... this is probably a read, too:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I dream of black bean soup.

This seems like a good recipe for black bean soup.

I went to the registered dietitian today.
A few months ago, I made a mental note to myself that by the time I finally went to a registered dietitian, I would have the whole eating thing pretty well figured out.

This happened. I did learn how many servings of each food group to eat per day, though. I'm going to try to eat more fresh fruit and nuts than anything else. I know, I've said this before, but I mean it now.
And this weekend, I really think (if nothing else pops up) we may make bread! Well, bread that does not have fruit in it.

I attempted to purchase brown sugar at Walmart, but I ended up buying sugar that is not refined and was only filtered once. But, the best thing about this sugar... it is not made from Genetically Modified Organisms!
I don't know if all of the food that contains GMOs are bad, but I do know that I want to stay away from the ones with high amounts of un-natural MonoSodium Glutamate.

(note to self: include recipes for magnesium(etc)-rich-foods on website...)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 crazy.

I have many, many things to say on this subject. Just not right now. :)

It's AWFULLY coincidental that almost everything on that list is basically MonoSodium gluatamate in disguise.


I did learn, however, from this video, that both Canada and Europe have banned the use of GMOs in their food.

pcb. :(

Via the Monsanto videos that I just watched, I became um, very intrigued by PCB.

I just did a little bit of research and I need to look more up on:
PCB and autism
what all contains pcb
and more on the symptoms of too much pcb

and... try to find out something that depletes pcb... i did begin by looking up this and found nothing. think of different key words.

Monsanto, soy beans, additives.

I need to read this soon. It is about how most additives are GMOs.

And I am currently in the process of watching The World According to Monsanto on youtube.
This is sort of like the missing link to all of the research I've done about how bad additives are... A lot of these GMOs clearly have high doses of MonoSodium Glutamate in them, but I need to research that as well.

I think that the destruction of some nuclear things in Anniston has something to do with Monsanto.

Monsanto is the reason why soybeans are so bad for us, I think. But I'm not sure. The protein in the soybean is changed when it is sprayed with roundup, or something. or they've created a strain of soybean that is resistent to round up, and so you can use that on the weeds... but the protein that makes the soybean able to be resistent to round up... is that protein DIGESTABLE by the average or any human or animal-being?

i bet it isn't.